Todd Lecture Series
This significant event is held once every two years and consists of a lecture delivered by a distinguished classical scholar with an international reputation. It is sponsored by the the Discipline of Classics & Ancient History at the University of Sydney in conjunction with the Classical Association of NSW. It commemorates the life and work of Professor Todd, one-time Professor of Latin, University of Sydney.
Past Lectures
Published by the Department of Classics and Ancient History, University of Sydney 2011
Publication Details
Lectures 1-12 were published individually or in small groups then collected in the following editions:
Lectures 1–8:
Essays on Roman culture : the Todd memorial lectures (ed. A. J. Dunston)
Toronto : Sarasota, Fla. : S. Stevens, 1976.
Lectures 9–13:
sidere mens eadem mutato (ed. Frances Muecke)
Prudentia Supplementary Number 1998,
Dept. of Classics and Ancient History, University of Auckland