
Classicum is a journal that appears twice every year, with articles of various length on any topic of general interest in the ancient world and its contemporary reception. The journal seeks to make accessible to a broad audience the fields of Classics, Ancient History, and Reception, and encourages, in addition to academic contributions and book reviews, articles that discuss the practices of teaching Greek and Latin, as well as performing Classics on stage and in other art forms.

Classicum is a joint production of CANSW and the Classical Languages Teachers Association (CLTA). In addition to two representatives from each of the associations, the Editorial Board consists of the Editor (Anne Rogerson, and the Business Manager (Natasha Poole,


Classicum is automatically distributed to CANSW and CLTA members.

Individuals, associations, and libraries are welcome to subscribe directly to the journal. Subscription rates are AU$35.00 (within Australia) and AU$45.00 (outside Australia).

To download a subscription form, click here

Enquiries should be directed to the Business Manager: Natasha Poole (


Submissions are invited for publication, in the following categories:

  1. Original contributions on:

(a) academic topics relating to the history, language, literature, and culture of the ancient world and its modern reception;

(b) practices of teaching the history, language, literature, and culture of the ancient world;

(c) performing or representing Classics on stage and in other art forms.

  1. Reviews of books, exhibitions, performances and travels that relate explicitly or implicitly to the ancient world and its modern reception.

Acceptance for publications depends on the approval of referee(s). Everyone should feel encouraged to submit a contribution, because, granted the approval of referee(s), the Editorial Board will be more than happy to assist authors in preparing their manuscripts for actual publication, should additional assistance be desirable.

Classicum also invites authors to submit manuscripts they might want to publish in another form elsewhere later (e.g., a master’s thesis that may also be the beginning of a doctorate). We encourage submissions from honours undergraduate students and postgraduate students.

Style Guide for Classicum

All submissions, as well as questions, should be sent to Anne Rogerson (

Sample Articles

A selection of articles published in Classicum, most recent first:

Sex and the City: Ovid’s Elegiac Rome
A. Rogerson
Vol. 38.2, 2012, pp. 17–24
What did Augustus think he was doing?
E.A. Judge
Vol. 36.1, April 2010, pp. 3–6
Recent developments and recent work on the House of Augustus on the Palatine and the location of the Lupercal
H. Lindsay
Vol. 34.2, October 2008, pp. 17–19
Oracular ambiguity as a mediation triple
J. Kindt
Vol. 34.1, April 2008, pp. 23–7
Domus and Via: place-hunting in Hor. Satires 1.9 and Juvenal 3
F. Muecke
Vol. 29.1, April 2003, 18–22

Table of Contents
The Table of Contents for Classicum Volumes XXVI.2 (October 2000) to XXXIII.2 (October 2007) is available for download as a classicvm_toc_00_07.pdf.

Classicum Issues
Past issues from 2009 are available on the Informit database.

Classical Association of New South Wales (CANSW)

Classical Language Teachers Association (CLTA)

Iris Classics Magazine
IRIS seeks to encourage Classics in the UK, making the subject fun for students who may not otherwise have encountered Classics in schools.