Latin Summer School

The 30th Latin Summer School was held from Monday 13th to Friday 17th January, 2025.

For more information, please visit

You can find a report from this year's Directors, Robert Forgács and Paul Roche, below:

• The enrolment was 193, consisting of a good mixture of high school students, undergraduates and interested adults. This year we had more undergraduates than usual, which was excellent. Students came not only from the Sydney area, but also from the ACT, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania. The high school students came from both government selective and independent schools.
• This year’s writing competition was centred on a short quote from Horace ‘Caelum non animum mutant, qui trans mare currunt’ and produced more entries than usual. Abbey’s book shop, as in the past, generously donated four $50 book vouchers, but as the standard of entries was very high an extra five $50 book vouchers were bought by the Latin Summer School from Abbey’s. The prize-winning entries were read at the Closing Ceremony and proved to be very entertaining; three prizes were won by Classics/Ancient History undergraduates, one by a mature-age student, one by a student about to begin the study of Classics at the University of Sydney, and four by younger high school students. Several of the latter expressed their gratitude not only for the prize but also for the opportunity to gain experience presenting in front of such a large and well-informed audience.
• One of our former students, Hugo Sharkey, who attended five Latin Summer Schools from the age of twelve onwards, topped the state in Extension Ancient History, and came second in Extension Latin in the 2024 HSC. He sent his best wishes from South America, where he is back-packing at the moment, and mentioned the importance of the Latin Summer School to his education and achievement.

With regard to the organisation and running of the school:
• There were sixteen classes across four levels (from beginners to proficient readers).
• There were two special interest groups for advanced students: one on Bede, another on Early Latin.
• A very interesting and stimulating keynote lecture to the whole school was given by Associate Professor Sarah Lawrence (UNE) on the topic of ‘Calgacus and Asterix, Together at Last’.
• In addition, there were eight lunchtime lectures on a wide variety of Latin and Classical topics.
• The venue this year was UTS, due to the expense of booking rooms at the University of Sydney; this change in venue was made possible by the School of Humanities at the University of Sydney. All of the feedback received by the two directors, Paul Roche and Robert Forgács, from both teachers and students was been very positive. An excellent lunch was provided by Ecater on Friday, before the Closing Ceremony.
• Evidently, the school was very successful again this year. Heartfelt thanks are expressed by the two Directors to CANSW for their continued support of the Latin Summer School. It is very much appreciated, and indeed invaluable for the running of the school.

The Sydney Latin Summer School was founded by the late Professor Kevin Lee and Dr Trevor Evans in 1994. Until 1998 it was held at the Strathfield Campus of the Catholic University, but since then it has been held on the campus of the University of Sydney. This year, the Latin Summer School will be taking place at the University of Technology, Building 11.

Previous Directors include:

1994-2001 Professor Kevin Lee
1995-1999 Dr Trevor Evans
2000 Dr Charles Tesoriero
2001 Ian McLeod and Sally Greenwood
2002-2009 Ian McLeod and Frances Muecke, co-directors Lisa Aronson and Michael Salter
2010-2012 Frances Muecke, Dr Robert Forgács, and Dr Paul Roche
2011 Dr Mary Jane Cuyler joined the administrative team as Youth Director
2013 Frances Muecke, Dr Robert Forgács, and Professor Marguerite Johnson
2014 Dr Anne Rogerson and Dr Robert Forgács
2015 Dr Bob Cowan and Dr Robert Forgács
2016-2017 Dr Paul Roche and Dr Robert Forgács
2018 Dr Bob Cowan and Dr Robert Forgács
2019 Dr Bob Cowan and Dr Robert Forgács
2020 Professor Paul Roche and Dr Robert Forgács
2021 Professor Paul Roche and Dr Robert Forgács
2022 Dr Bob Cowan and Dr Robert Forgács
2023 Professor Paul Roche and Dr Robert Forgács
2024 Dr Anne Rogerson and Dr Robert Forgács
2025 Professor Paul Roche and Dr Robert Forgács