Teaching Classical Languages Symposium

The Teaching Classical Languages Symposium is a biennial forum for language instructors to share practice and pedagogy, as well as to connect and collaborate on teaching initiatives and successes.

The TCLS is hosted by Classics and Ancient History at the University of Sydney and proudly supported by the Classical Association of NSW. The Classical Languages Teachers Association (CLTA) and The Kudos Foundation provide further funding.

The TCLS regularly obtains NESA accreditation for teacher professional development in NSW.

The Teaching Classical Languages Symposium came about to address a pressing need for teachers to share and discuss ideas and strategies for teaching Latin and Greek in the 21st century. Each symposium features educators in the secondary, tertiary, and community teaching spaces from Australia and New Zealand.

TCLS 2024 contributes 6 hours of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Delivery and Assessment of NSW Curriculum/EYLF addressing standard descriptors 3.3.2 & 5.1.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.

In 2023, CANSW published a special edition of Classicum featuring papers from previous symposia.

For further details, or if you would like to offer a paper at the next symposium, please contact Tamara Neal: t.neal@sydney.edu.au or Sarah Lawrence: slawren4@une.edu.au

Previous speakers include:

Christopher Bishop (Australian National University)
Caroline Brehaut (Redlands)
Dane Drivas (Cranbrook)
Kate Edwards (University of New England)
Anthony Gibbons (Sydney Grammar School; Legonium)
Tegan Gleeson (Frensham)
K.O. Gossard-Chong (University of Melbourne)
Dexter Hoyos (University of Sydney)
Trevor Evans (Macquarie University)
Drew Keller (Collegiate School NYC; Learn to read Latin; Learn to read Ancient Greek)
Michael Hanaghan (Australian Catholic University)
Yasmin Haskell (Australian Catholic University; The Ancient Today)
Sarah Lawrence (University of New England)
Maxine Lewis (Auckland University)
Seamus Macdonald (The Patrologist)
Caitlin McMenamin (Barker College)
Janette McWilliam (University of Queensland)
Emily Matters (North Sydney Girls High School; Eureka!)
Elizabeth Minchin (Australian National University)
Miles Pattenden (Australian Catholic University)
Louella Perret (Riverview)
Lauren Richardson (Canberra Girls Grammar School)
Paul Roche (University of Sydney)
Lance Shortus (Blacktown Girls High School)
Estelle Strazdins (Australian National University)
Mary Triantafyllou (Newington College)
Jonathan Wallis (University of Tasmania)
Chrysoula Zachariadou (University of New England)